CE certification of toys is carried out by evaluating the conformity of the type of toys with the requirements set out in the European Parliament and Council Directive 2009/48/EC on the safety of toys.
The following things are checked during the certification process:
technical documentation of the toy and submitted evidence of compliance in order to confirm that the technical project ensures conformity of the toy to the essential safety requirements
model of the type of the toy manufactured according to the technical documentation, the testing of which is carried out in the LATSERT laboratory in accordance with harmonised standards
CE certificate – EC-type examination certificate issued by the notified certification body for a toy confirms that the type of toy conforms to the essential safety requirements and entitles the manufacturer to place the CE marking on the particular model of toy.
Producer, who has received EC-type examination certificate, ensures that:
conformity of the manufactured toys to the approved type is ensured during the manufacturing process and its production control;
each individual toy is labelled with CE conformity labelling- CE mark;
a written EC declaration of conformity of the toy is drawn up according to the Directive, including a reference to the EC-type examination certificate.
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